Saturday, November 12, 2011

Birthday dinner on an even bigger budget part B

I am so far behind updating that I am partially ashamed. However my reasons for my delay in posting anything is well understandable. I am in my final semester of college and graduate in a few short weeks! As you can imagine the requirements for my classes are getting more stringent and challenging.

So now let's catch up shall we?

The Bulgogi dinner went over so well there were no leftovers and the hubbs loved it! So much so that is now ushered into our regular meal plan at least once a month. Score! Also, those who had not had it before fully appreciated the complexity and harmony of the flavors even if one of the comments was, "that was really good Jo! And you know me, I don't like weird new things."- Thanks Jessie you may very well could have been my hardest critic to please. I love you completely my friend.

The Banana Creme Cupcakes created by Kat Engberg were so decadent and beautifully made they were the dessert highlight! I did not order nearly enough. The cake was banana bread consistency, banana pudding in the center, and the icing was fluffy, thick, and had vanilla and banana essence. Crumbled vanilla wafers to balance the banana pudding filling and pecan chips on top added to the depth and balance of texture and flavor. They were so good that I felt so guilty and somewhat sinful for eating something so indulgent! Glorious!  9 out of 10 stars! I withhold one star because I didn't have enough even though that is my fault. Ha!
I mean really....look at them! How can they be so heavenly and sinful at the same time?
 Now my birthday dinner on Sunday the 6th was good. The whole day was just my daughter and my husband and I picking up pecans and waiting for dinnertime to roll around so as to be able to enjoy Lomi Lomi and Caribbean steak tacos with pico de gallo. So yummy. And no leftovers! Thanks Amanda for coming to say hi and wish me well on my 26th year.
Lomi Lomi= Yummy Yummy (to Hawaiin it means massage massage).

This past week has stretched our money so thin we could see through it. In other words we had none left and bare cabinets. Unacceptable!
101 pounds of pecans later, sold, and grocery shopping later, our cabinets are almost fully stocked again! And the freezers too. That's right. Two freezers.
Now here is the best part and why I love Winn Dixie-- I had forgotten all my coupons! All of them. So when I arrived at the store the deals they had available were so fantastic I spent a hundred dollars and saved seventy five dollars. Just imagine what I could have done had I my coupons. Just wait, I'm picking pecans again....and going back so we won't have to imagine for too long. Shout out to Winn Dixie!
Monday I will also be going to Food World in my local town to get some purchases they have the best selections for- SALMON! Had I a Publix near I would be shopping them and Winn Dixie but Food World will do for now. I only get to enjoy the discounts they offer Troy University students on Mondays for a few more  weeks. When you present your student ID you receive an extra 5% off your purchases. And they double manufacturer coupons up to one dollar.

Now, in relation to the stressed ramblings caused by my brain going on leave while crawling around under a nut tree I had some clarity. (Delivered to me on my birthday)

I am starting an amazing project and hope to get it published in the next year. As such we will be staying in this area of Alabama at least for another year. Then I will be working to begin my Masters degree pursuit immediately upon completion of the project.

That is enough for now. I applied for my dream job- hope it goes my way.

As I part, how many of you are participating in no shave November? This house has gotten very Jeremiah Johnson around here.

Adios All!

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